Saturday, July 21, 2012

Baked Vidalias with Morels

  • 4 Vidalia onions
  • 1 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 package dried morels (rehydrated)
  • 2 oz. white chardonnay
  • 4 tablespoons butter
  • ½  teaspoon minced garlic
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 2 ounces water

  1. Spray four pieces of aluminum foil with non-stick cooking spray.
  2. Peel and wash the Vidalia onions.
  3. Scoop a triangle from the top  to make a cavity for the morels.
  4. Spray the onions with non-stick cooking spray.
  5. Wrap each onion separately on one sheet of the cooking foil, shiny side touching the onion.
  6. Bake in 450 degree onion for 35 minutes.
  7. While baking the onions, make the morel mixture by sautéing the rehydrated morels in olive oil, stirring often. Towards the end of browning, the minced minced garlic (I used the kind  in a jar that is refrigerated).
  8. When browned to your taste, add  two ounces white chardonnay and reduce, stirring frequently. 
  9. When the wine has been reduced, add 4 tablespoons of butter to the mixture and stir until melted. 
  10. Remove onions from the oven. 
  11. Open the foil and brush the sugar water mixture on each onion. 
  12. Place the onions, still on the foil, but not covered, on a pizza pan. 
  13. Return to oven and start with browning for 10 minutes.  Check to see if you like the color, and return to oven if not quite brown enough suit you.  When the browning suits you, remove.
  14. Divide the morel mixture that among the cavities of the four baked onions. 
  15. Serve and enjoy!

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